William “Bill” Shu became a patient of Clinical Director and Senior Physical Therapist Katie Moreland, DPT, of our Pocomoke clinic in December of 2016. Although he is originally from New York, Bill has been a Pocomoke resident for over 29 years. Because of this, our Pocomoke clinic was the clear choice for his physical therapy needs.
Due to general wear and tear over the years, Bill found himself needing a right hip replacement, which would require preoperative and post-operative therapies. He did not have any experience with Tidewater Physical Therapy in the past until his doctor recommended the practice during a surgical consultation. Bill was thrilled when his doctor told him about a physical therapy clinic that was in such proximity to his home.
In preparation for this hip replacement surgery that would occur at Atlantic General Hospital on January 10, 2017, Bill started preoperative physical therapy in December 2016. During these sessions, Bill worked with the Pocomoke team on range of motion and strengthening exercises for his hip. After surgery, he started back at Tidewater for his rehabilitation.
In total, Bill was in therapy for about a month. He attributes his short recovery time to his strong work ethic. When speaking about his physical therapy experiences, he said, “I do things 100% or I don’t do them at all!”
In addition to his strong work ethic, Bill would also like to credit his success to his supportive wife and the patients and staff at the Pocomoke clinic. As a self-proclaimed “people person,” Bill remarks that his favorite part of physical therapy was getting to interact with staffand other patients. In looking back at his experiences with Tidewater Physical Therapy, he says “I thought the staff was very professional and they made the best of an unpleasant situation.”
Today, Bill enjoys traveling and golfing in his spare time. Prior to his surgery, he greatly enjoyed skiing. It is a personal goal of his to someday return to the slopes. In fact, he enjoyed his experience so much that he recommended Tidewater Physical Therapy to his wife for her future knee replacement.