Meet our Dover crew

Meet our EMG Crew!
Dover is a specialized clinic that offers Electromyography (EMG) & Nerve Conduction Study Testing. Tidewater Physical Therapy founder, Dr. W. James Downs, Jr., PT, DSc, ECS, as well as Craig Joachimowski, PT, ECS, OCS, CHT provide electromyography and nerve conduction testing to patients in need.
Dr. Downs has practiced in the specialty of Clinical Electrophysiology for over 40 years, where his prime interest is in differentiating among peripheral nerve lesions, plexus level lesions and root level lesions, as well as evaluating other neuromuscular involvement, such as generalized peripheral neuropathy, primary muscle disease, myoneural junction deficit and motor neuron involvement.

Craig L. Joachimowski, DPT, ECS, OCS, CHT
Craig Joachimowski is the Clinical Director of our Seaford, Delaware location and a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, Certified Hand Therapist and credentialed as an Electrophysiologic Clinical Specialist. Craig joined Tidewater Physical Therapy in 1993 after receiving his BS in Physical Therapy from University of Delaware and Competency in Vestibular Dysfunction from Emory University. As one of the very few Therapists with certifications in OCS and CHT, Craig uses specific techniques and splinting to treat hand conditions like nerve injuries; tendinitis; post-operative rehabilitation following tendon, artery and nerve repairs; ligament reconstruction; fractures and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). Craig completed his DPT through the College of Saint Scholastica.

W. James Downs, Jr., PT, DSc, ECS
Jim Downs is the Founder, Senior Partner and CEO of Tidewater Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Associates, PA and its sister company, Tidewater Electromyography (EMG). He founded Tidewater Physical Therapy in 1984 in Easton, MD as a Medicare-certified rehabilitation agency.
Today, Tidewater Physical Therapy has grown to 14 outpatient locations across the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware.
Jim received his Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy (PT) from the Medical College of Virginia and his Doctor of Science in Clinical Electrophysiology (DSc) from Rocky Mountain University. He is Board Certified in Clinical Electrophysiology (ECS) by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. During his career Jim has held several local and national offices with the American Physical Therapy Association and has served two terms on the Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. He has also taught the EMG/Nerve Conduction course work at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore for over 40 years and has lectured nationally in the same field. Jim has practiced in the specialty of Clinical Electrophysiology for over 50 years, where his prime interest is in differentiating among peripheral nerve lesions, plexus level lesions and root level lesions, as well as evaluating other neuromuscular involvement, such as generalized peripheral neuropathy, primary muscle disease, myoneural junction deficit and motor neuron involvement. Personally, Jim resides in Rehoboth Beach, DE with his wife and yellow lab. They have one daughter who is a landscape architect.
Find us:
Our Dover Clinic specializes in and offers Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Study testing only. Physical Therapy is not offered at this location. Please call 800-736-3020 to schedule an EMG/NCS appointment or for more information.